[EXCLISIVE] DPRK Army Decides to Reduce Its Size; Move More Youths To Economic Activities

편집국 승인 2024.01.17 12:17 의견 0

Freedom Chosun has learned via its source in Pyongyang that the DPRK

The Central Military Commission of the Workers’ Party of Korea decided to reduce about 30,000 troops from military service and dispatch them to agricultural communities and other economic fronts.

The decision was the result of the discussions conducted at the 9th general meeting, which opened on December 26, 2023. The conference was mostly focused on the 5-year plan for economic development and its achievement concerning agriculture, coal, steel, and construction areas. And the main discussions evolved around the manpower problem.

On December 31, Kim Jong-un held a high-level military council meeting and proceeded with the discussions regarding the manpower shortage problem and accepted the plan to reduce the number of troops starting this year as presented by the Central Military Commission.

At the high-level military council meeting, Kim Jong-un stated, “We have been following the parallel-track policy of nuclear weaponry and economic development to build a wealthy and powerful fatherland for our people. And now, our people’s army possesses nuclear weapons and modern military armament strong enough to stand up to the US Army considered the world’s strongest military force.”

He said this to make a point about the importance of economic development in addition to military power.

By the Central Military Commission’s decision, the military will now re-examine its manpower needs and report back to the Central Military Commission of the Workers’ Party in January.

It will determine the extent of reduction in border defense and strategic duties in command centers. The plan is to increase the discharges from 14,000 to 30,000 this year.

Soldiers on the early discharge list are calling their homes to notify their families. Soldiers born in 1998 are eligible for early discharge, but those born up to the year 2000 have been added to the list per the Central Military Commission.

Those soldiers who have been discharged early are not allowed to venture into any other form of work. In other words, they must spend the rest of their lives as a group in farms or coal mines.

Many youths view this type of group placement as a “life of punishment by banishment.” Thus, many youths are expected to protest or escape.

Reported by Jang Se-yul

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